The schedule of the workshop
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List of Speakers:
Reinhard Alkofer, University of Graz, The effect of intermediate resonances in the quark interaction kernel on the time-like electromagnetic pion form factor (abstract)
Jens Oluf Andersen, NTNU, Quark and pion condensates at finite isospin density in chiral perturbation theory (abstract)
Nahuel Barrios, Universidad de la República / École Polytechnique, Yang-Mills and QCD correlation functions from the Curci-Ferrari model at two-loop order (abstract)
Gokce Basar, UNC, Chapel Hill, Reconstructing the critical equation of state from Taylor series (abstract)
Kirill Bogulslavski, Vienna University of Technology, Broad excitations in a 2+1D over-occupied gluon plasma (abstract)
Szabolcs Borsanyi, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Corrections to the hadron resonance gas from lattice QCD (abstract)
Victor Braguta , JINR, Influence of relativistic rotation on the confinement/deconfinement transition in gluodynamics (abstract)
Lei Chang, NKU Higgs modulation of emergent mass as revealed in kaon and pion parton distribution (abstract)
Chen Chen, JLU Giessen, Form factors of the nucleon axial and pseudoscalar currents (abstract)
Aleksey Cherman, University of Minnesota, Lifetimes of (near) eternal false vacua (abstract)
Heng-Tong Ding, Central China Normal University, Correlated Dirac eigenvalues and axial anomaly in chiral symmetric QCD (abstract)
Minghui Ding, ECT* – FBK, Distribution amplitudes of light diquarks (abstract)
Gernot Eichmann, LIP & IST Lisboa, Studying mass generation in Yang-Mills theory (abstract)
Miguel Ángel Escobedo Espinosa, Instituto Galego de Fisica de Altas Enerxías, Medium evolution of a static quark-antiquark pair in the large Nc limit (abstract)
Mauricio Narciso Ferreira, University of Campinas, São Paulo, Soft gluon limit of the ghost-gluon vertex (abstract)
Stefan Floerchinger, Heidelberg University, Conserved and non-conserved Noether current from the quantum effective action (abstract)
Hidenori Fukaya, Osaka University, What is chiral susceptibility probing? (abstract)
Fei Gao, Heidelberg University, Fully coupled functional equations for the quark sector of QCD (abstract)
Francesco Giacosa, Institute of Physics, Jan Kochanowski University, Poland, Bound state contribution to the thermal gas pressure (abstract)
Leonid Glozman, University of Graz, Chiral spin symmetry of the color charge and its implications for QCD at high temperatures. (abstract)
Tyler Gorda, TU Darmstadt, Improving the cold-QM pressure via soft interactions at NNNLO (abstract)
Yoshimasa Hidaka, KEK, Thermalization of Yang-Mills theory in a (3+1) dimensional small lattice system (abstract)
Jan Horak, Institute for Theoretical Physics, Heidelberg University, Ghost spectral function from the spectral Dyson-Schwinger equation (abstract)
Markus Huber, University of Giessen, With functional methods from propagators and vertices to glueballs (abstract)
Philipp Isserstedt, JLU Giessen, QCD phase diagram and thermodynamics from DSEs (abstract)
Axel Maas, University of Graz, Gauge-fixing and the ghost DSE (abstract)
Cristina Manuel, CSIC, IEEC, Effective field theories for thermal plasmas (abstract)
Herve Moutarde, IRFU, CEA, Theoretical challenges in the determination of the proton internal pressure (abstract)
Débora Mroczek, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Quartic cumulant of the baryon number and the QCD critical point (abstract)
Valeriya Mykhaylova, University of Wroclaw The role of quark quasiparticles in transport properties of the deconfined matter (abstract)
Orlando Oliveira, University of Coimbra, Portugal, Looking at the analytic structure of the lattice Landau gauge gluon and ghost propagators (abstract)
Peter Petreczky, BNL, Bottomonium properties at high temperature at high temperatures from NRQCD (abstract)
Owe Philipsen, Goethe U. Frankfurt am Main, QCD in the heavy dense region for general Nc: what is the quarkyonic matter? (abstract)
Khépani Raya Montaño, Nankai University, China, Measures of pion and kaon structure from generalised parton distributions (abstract)
José Rodríguez Quintero, University of Huelva, Spain, Infrared facets of the three-gluon vertex (abstract)
Paul Romatschke, CU Boulder, Shear Viscosity at Infinite Coupling at Large N (abstract)
Thomas Schaefer, North Carolina State, Chiral symmetry breaking from twisted boundary conditions and monopole operators (abstract)
Igor Shovkovy, Arizona State University, Anisotropic photon emission from magnetized QGP (abstract)
Vladimir Skokov, NCSU/RBRC, Universality driven analytic structure of QCD crossover: radius of convergence and QCD critical point (abstract)
Giorgio Torrieri, University of Campinas, São Paulo, The strong CP problem and the Unruh effect (abstract)
Johannes Heinrich Weber, Humboldt University of Berlin, Polyakov loop correlators and screening masses in (2+1)-flavor QCD (abstract)
Nicolas Wink, Heidelberg University, From elementary correlation function to thermodynamics (abstract)
Yi Yin, Institute of Modern Physics, CAS, Shear-induced spin polarization in heavy-ion collisions (abstract)
Savvas Zafeiropoulos, CPT Marseille, CNRS, Parton distribution functions from Lattice QCD (abstract)