We would like to invite the participants listed below to prepare a pre-recorded flash talk. The videos are up to 5 minutes long. All workshop participants will have access to the pre-recorded flash talks in two ways: (i) they may watch the videos on the Youtube Channel of the workshop or (ii) during the discussion sessions, the flash talk speakers will have the opportunity to present their videos and discuss with the other participants using some dedicated room in the virtual conference space.
The videos should be sent no later than 28 March 2021 (next Sunday) to the email: funqcd21@gmail.com
The slides of the flash talks will be also available here after the presentation.
All videos are on our Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCqfThR89dyBrqHh_Aa9FBg
- Dekrayat Almaalol, Kent State University – Non-equilibrium attractor in high-temperature QCD plasmas
- Xin An, University of North Carolina – Dynamics of Non-Gaussian Fluctuations
- Marco Antonio Bedolla, Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas – Gap equation at finite temperature and tetraquarks insights from Schwinger-Dyson equations.
- Yong-Rui Chen, Dalian University of Technology – Critical behaviors of the O(4) and Z(2) symmetries in the QCD phase diagram
- Hee Sok Chung, Technical University of Munich – Inclusive Hadroproduction of P-wave Heavy Quarkonia in Potential NRQCD
- Qianqian Du, Kent State University and Central China Normal University – N = 4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills thermodynamics to order λ2
- Duifje Van Egmond, CPHT – Ecole Polytechnique – Transition temperature for a background gauge-invariant Gribov-Zwanziger model
- Peter Vander Griend, Bottomonium suppression in an open quantum system using the quantum trajectories method
- Joaquin Grefa, University of Houston – Hot and Dense Quark-gluon Matter Thermodynamics from Holographic Black Holes.
- Chuang Huang, Dalian University of Technology – Yang-Mills theory with a nonvanishing background field at finite temperature via the fRG approach
- Friederike Ihssen, ITP Heidelberg – Resolving the QCD phase structure with Discontinuous Galerkin Methods
- Shahriyar Jafarzade, Jan Kochanowski University of Kielce, Poland – Some hints at missing resonances from known data
- Patrick Jentsch, Department of Bioengineering, Imperial College London – Functional Renormalization Group Approach to the Bosonized Massive Schwinger Model
- Gregory Johnson, North Carolina State University – The Universality of Yang-Lee Edge Singularities in O(N) Models
- Adrian Koenigstein, Goethe University Frankfurt – The (0+0)-dimensional O(N)-model as a numerical test case: FRG-flow equations and numerical fluid dynamics
- Helena Kolesova, University of Stavanger – Dense QCD(-like) matter in strong magnetic fields
- Viljami Leino, Technical University of Munich – Heavy quark diffusion from lattice QCD
- Pok Man Lo, University of Wroclaw – Fluctuations of Polyakov loop and gluon properties
- Michał Marczenko, University of Wrocław – Interplay between chiral dynamics and repulsive interactions
- Ryutaro Matsudo, KEK Theory Center – Vector mesons on domain walls
- Konstantin Otto, JLU Giessen – Hybrid star observables from a non-perturbative quark matter equation of state
- Paolo Parotto, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Lattice QCD equation of state at finite chemical potential from an alternative expansion scheme
- Álvaro Pastor Gutiérrez, ITP Heidelberg University, The lightest flavor–singlet qqq baryons as witnesses to color
- David Rosa Junior, Fluminense Federal University, University of Tübingen – Renormalizability of the center-vortex free sector of Yang-Mills theory
- Nico Santowsky, JLU Giessen- Four- vs Two-Quark States from Bethe-Salpeter Equations
- Philipp Schicho, University of Helsinki – 3-Loop Gauge Coupling in Hot QCD
- Coralie Schneider, ITP, Heidelberg University – Gauge Symmetry in the FRG
- Noriyuki Sogabe, Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences – Topological color-superconductivity in QCD with one flavor
- Alexander Soloviev, Stony Brook University – Hydrodynamics and transport near the chiral critical point
- Jamie Stafford, University of Houston – First-principle-based equations of state for QCD at finite temperature and density
- Michal Szymanski, University of Wroclaw – Deconfinement and the explicit center symmetry breaking in a strong magnetic field
- Yangyang Tan, Dalian University of Technology – Real time dynamics of the O(4) scalar theory within the fRG approach
- Ubaid Hussain Tantary, Kent State University – Two-loop HTL-resummed thermodynamics for N = 4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory
- Enrico Trotti, University Jan Kochanowski – Glueball-glueball scattering and the glueballonium
- Julian Urban, Institute for Theoretical Physics Heidelberg – Reconstructing QCD Spectral Functions with Gaussian Processes
- Rui Wen, Dalian, University of Technology – Baryon number fluctuations at finite temperature and densities in QCD within fRG approach
- Shi Yin, Dalian University of Technology, Hyper-order baryon number fluctuations at finite temperature and density
- Luca Zambelli, TPI, FSU Jena – Yet another BRST invariant functional RG